Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What Is Sin?

He is Coming This blog is about Christianity and the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

As we read the New Testament, we find that belief in Jesus as the Son of God results in Salvation. We also learn that the early Christians needed further teaching on how to live like a Christlike life. Many Muslim converts come to Jesus as Paul did in Acts 9 and, like Paul, they need an Ananias and a Barnabas to help them grow in their faith and in their relationship with God. Others come to Jesus through a belief in His power to save them from evil spirits and that through Him they can have eternal life. Few seem to come with an understanding of themselves as sinners needing forgiveness.

Jesus and the early Church taught that sin is a continuing problem for the Christian. Sin interferes with Christian growth. It also hinders the Christian testimony. The Christian who does not recognize the sin in her life does not confess it and, therefore, does not have the vital, growing relationship with God is stunted, and her Christian life is empty. Because of unconfessed sin, she lacks the vital, direct communication with God that enables her to bear fruit in her life.

Confession of sin and repentance are closely related. The Christian growth should occur in all aspects of a Christian’s life. The Christian will be able to define sin as disobedience to God. Disobedience may occur by an action or failure to act or by an attitude. The Christian will describe her as having a sin nature. She will able to explain the importance of confession of sin to her growth into a mature Christian and to her Christian testimony.

These passages review the origins of sin and its consequences. Help the new Christian to discover that on each occasion God gave instructions and then allowed the individual free choice regarding obedience. God came and saw what was happening and then punished the individuals involved. The sinner did not escape punishment. The desire to disobey came from within the individual and each person bore responsibility for his attitudes and actions.

Depending of the individual involved, it may be necessary to add some of the Old Testament stories that describe sin and its consequences. For example a comparison between Joseph and Potiphar’s wife and David and Bathsheba may help the new Christian to understand that obedience is a choice. The number of stories read and discussed would depend on the ability of the new Christian to grasp the concept of the sin nature of mankind.


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