Monday, October 17, 2011

The Power of Jesus Over Physical Illness

He is Coming This blog is about Christianity and the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

This lesson becomes even more powerful when the readers understand what this woman’s life would have been like for 12 years of her illness. Islam has the same laws regarding menstrual impurity as those given in the Old Testament. Help the readers to imagine the difficulties of this woman’s life. This review should also help the student to understand the courage needed for this woman to come forward and confess what she had done.

There is no evidence in this story that the woman used any folk practices for healing during the years of her illness. However, it would good to discuss what practices a woman would have used to “cure” this illness. It is important that they understand the point that it was this woman’s faith that healed her and not her touching the robe. It is also important to note that while no cause for the illness is given, the woman does not seem to think that it was caused by the “evil eye” or other folk causes.

Jesus took the time to be sure that the woman understood that her faith and not His garment had healed her. The new Christian who has converted from Islam will be tempted again and again to use amulets and charms for protection of herself and her family. Plan to spend enough time on this lesson to make sure that she understands that healing comes from God without the aid of any object or substance or magic.

God created medicine and medical treatment. God guides doctors and nurses in their care. Most people who are sick are healed through the use of medicine and procedures created by God. While occasionally God heals someone miraculously (cannot explained medically), He expects His people to use what He has provided. We cannot find in the Scriptures that He wants us to deny ourselves medical treatment while asking for miracle. It will be important for the new Christian to understand that Satan may tempt her to refuse medical treatment.

A secondary teaching found in this lesson, is the value of women in God’s eyes. The New Testament teaches us that Jesus cares for women and considers women to be person of worth. This lesson also helps her to understand that women are loved and valued in God’s kingdom. For many new Christians, this  will be a new concept and very different from what was taught in their previous religion.


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