By using case studies the individual can see acted out the individual response to opposition. Two stories were chosen study. The story of Daniel shows that one can be faithful to God in a difficult situation and even when the law of the land forbids it. Help the student to understand that laws should be obeyed in the most circumstances. Daniel only broke a law that interfered with his worship of God and tried to compel him to worship a false god. Because of his high position in the government, we can assume that Daniel was normally a law abiding citizen. In addition, rather than cause a confrontation, he disobeyed in private. He did not go out actively seeking a confrontation with those opposing him. Rather, he went to his room and bowed down before open windows where those actively looking for him could possibly see him. Be careful not to give the impression that God always saves the life of individual as He saved Daniel’s. Stephen is an example of one who gave his life rather than abandon his faith. If an additional for study is needed, Daniel 3:1-30 may be added.
The man born blind faced a very public confrontation with the religious leaders without a support of his family. When the leaders approached them the family sent them back to deal with the son. They offered no help or support. The man gave short factual answers. He told exactly what had happened to him. He avoided a debate on religion and did not drawn into arguing. He eventually was totally rejected by religious leaders who did not want to hear of his personal experiences with Jesus. This can also be a model for a Christian who faces opposition. She can plan to remain nonconfrontational, give factual answers of her own personal experience and, in doing so, present a testimony that can’t be refuted by heaters. While this man did not have the opportunity to plan his answers, the new Christian can learn from his experience and prepare herself for opposition when it comes.
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