Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jesus Anointed By A Sinful Woman

He is Coming This blog is about Christianity and the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

Many aspects of this story are similar to present day Islamic culture. A practicing Muslim like the Pharisee won’t touch anyone or anything unclean. To do so renders him unclean and he must undergo a ritual of purification before being able to pray. Women in many Islamic countries and cultures keep their hair hidden from all men except those in the immediate family. The rules of hospitality are strict and are designed to honor the guest. To ignore these rules shows disrespect and a lack of honor.

            This story shows us what is required for salvation:
1.      Approach Jesus with an attitude of repentance for sin.
2.      Have faith that Jesus can and will forgive those sins.

The Pharisees considered sin to be an action. This lesson teaches that sins involve attitudes as well as actions. Hopefully, she will come to understand that sin is disobedience of God’s word whether in actions or attitudes.
Try to help the new Christian recognize the difference in the attitudes of Simon and Jesus towards the woman. He was condemning her and saw her as unworthy and a nuisance. Jesus was loving, kind and accepted her as she was. He recognized her value as a person. He did not condemn her but helped her to find salvation.


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