Thursday, October 13, 2011


He is Coming This blog is about Christianity and the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

Aisha and her daughter who live in the large metropolitan area became believers as the result of the testimony of Aisha's sister-in-law. Aisha loved to attend the weekly neighborhood Bible study that met near her place of business. However, she told her husband that she was attending a business meeting every week. Aisha particularly liked the praise and prayer part of the service. When she was approached about the idea of Baptism, she said that she needed to wait longer because she needed to be really sure that Jesus was the Savior.

When Aisha's  husband found out that she was attending Christian meetings he became very angry with her. When he threatened her with divorce if she continued to practice Christianity, Aisha immediately cut off all relationships with her Christian friends. She stopped reading her Bible and removed all Christian literature from her home. When contacted by her pastor, she told him that she was doing what she needed to do at this time. Aisha's daughter, Samira, who is married and has her own home, testimony of their faith in Jesus at their place of work. However, both stopped out of fear that someone would tell Aisha's husband.

Christians through the centuries have experienced opposition and persecution for their faith. For some, this has resulted in a stronger faith and growth as a Christian with a resulting testimony that helps lead others to Christ. For others, it has resulted in a falling away from their faith as a Christian. Jesus used the parable of the sower found in Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23 to explain that some would fall away during difficult times. According to Jesus, the person who falls away has no strong root that he will hold during difficult times. By studying about others who experienced opposition and continued in their faith, the new Christian can prepare herself for the opposition when it comes.


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