Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three People Who Met Jesus

He is Coming This blog is about Christianity and the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

These stories of three encounters of Jesus and the witness that each gave afterwards. Encourage the MBB to recognize that each person in the story who met Jesus gave testimony to what Jesus has done for her. Each had a life-changing experience with Jesus and the testimony of this experience brought others to Jesus. Notice that the testimony was immediate, specific and stimulated others want to know more. Those around the individual could readily see that a life-changing experience had occurred. Encourage the new Christian to use the individuals as a model for developing her own testimony to be used with non-Christians.

Many witness encounters with Muslim result in a debate. The Christian should avoid if possible debating with her Muslim friend. Once a debate has started, meaningful dialogue stops because the main purpose is to win the argument. Help the new Christian to see that Jesus did not debate and resisted the attempts by others to start one. The Samaritan woman is a perfect example of how He kept to the main issue and kept the conversation personal. Encourage the new Christian to follow Jesus example.

In the story of Jesus Healing the blind man, Jesus tell us that a child born with a handicap is not the result of sin. While this is an important concept, it is not central point of this lesson. The lesson on sin deals with the consequences that may come as a result of a sin committed. If your Christian friend has a difficulty with this idea, study the lesson on sin with her. During this lesson, your goal is to help her develop her testimony for sharing with others.


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