Thursday, October 20, 2011


He is Coming This blog is about Christianity and the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

In discipleship sessions with Noura and her daughter Sabrina, we frequently talked about their family and friends. It became clear that each woman had encounters with family members that had resulted in bitterness and continued anger. When I suggested forgiveness, their reply was that this would be impossible. Noura would say. “I know that I should but you don’t know what the person did to me”. Sabrina would say, “I try but my sister-in-law continues to do the same things. I can’t keep forgiving her repeated misdeeds against me, can I”? It became increasingly clear that we needed to do some intense Bible study on this subject. This is the lesson that has needed to be repeated several times as new problems have occurred. Both women have made efforts to follow Jesus’ teachings regarding forgiveness.

By presenting the biblical concept of forgiveness we can, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, create a desire to follow Christ’s teachings regarding the forgiving of those who have harmed us in some way. Biblical examples of forgiveness demonstrate that even in very difficult circumstances, ordinary people can forgive.

Three lessons of forgiveness are provided. Occasionally it may be necessary to do further study on one point that seems to give difficulty. It will be important for the teacher to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in deciding when to advance and when to stay longer with one point. The teacher should also help the new Christian understand that every Christian has a problem with forgiveness at some point in her life. Hopefully she will have the examples around her of Christians who have successfully forgiven others as well as those who are in the process of forgiving. She may also see some who are ignoring this teaching of Bible. Encourage her to pray for these individuals rather than judge them. She will also need to learn that forgiveness is a lifelong struggle for the Christian. This study provides the biblical teachings on forgiveness as well as the consequences of an unforgiving spirit. By studying both, the new Christian will be better able to choose for herself the ways that God would have her choose.


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